November 28, 2009

Turkey Daze...

What a great, yummy day yesterday was!! My tummy is still full of the great turkey--so good!! I know-- still no pictures of the family-- but Aaron and Kristen are still here, so I will do a good update tomorrow afternoon. I also am working in my new Christmas background and header, and I am hoping to get them up by December 1st!!

I am now officially excited about Christmas... Love all the lights!! I can't believe how many houses are already decorated with their lights on! Ours are up, but they haven't been turned on yet since we have been staying at my parents' house with the fam.

Here is a picture of Betsy all dressed up in her winter coat, hanging out on the couch!

Hope you are having a great weekend!!

(My brother just told me about this new blogger app-- now I can post from my phone so much easier!!)

Posted by Alyson on my iPhone!!

1 comment:

Lianna Knight said...

We don't have ANY Christmas lights on our street yet...I'm really surprised...especially because our neighbors think they are the Griswalds :)