June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Happy Father's Day to three AMAZING men!! 

I'm such a lucky woman to have these dads in my life! And these pictures capture just how much they all get along!  What a lucky lady I am!

Gene-- Thank you for being such a wonderful Christ-like example to Justin growing up, and through today!  He has depended on your strength and ability to trust in God through any situation, and our sons are receiving the blessing of such a godly heritage through you!  I'm so happy our sons have you as a grandfather, and I know they will learn to trust God more because of your example! Happy Father's Day Pappaw!

Daddy-- You are truly the best, and I am so very thankful to have such an amazing father!  You have always been there for me, for Aaron, and now for my sons, without any thought of putting yourself first. That is truly a gift to be so selfless and full of love for your children, and I don't take it for granted at all!  Thank you for loving God, loving mom, and loving me!  I absolutely adore watching you with the boys and I know they their lives will be better and richer because of you! Happy Father's Day Boppa!

And to My Love, Justin--  You are the man I dreamed of, and now the best father I could have ever imagined for my children!  I'm so very proud to share my life with you, and I honestly can't even begin to express how full my heart is with love when I watch you being Daddy to our boys!  God blessed us so incredibly with our miracle boys, and I love seeing you every day guiding them, loving them, teaching them, and playing with them!  They adore you, and I know the future to come as they grow up is going to be so full of wonderful experiences and memories as you raise them to be strong, capable men, learning how to trust God, treat others right, and have a strong work ethic--doing all they do as if they are doing it to the Lord.  I love you Justin, more than my mere words can ever say. And I love the fact that again this year, after so many empty-armed years, I can wish you the Happiest of Father's Days!!

I love seeing you with the boys!
And you can tell that Betsy loves her Daddy too!!

June 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Happy birthday to my sweet Mommy!!  

Today she is 65 years young, and I'm so excited to get to celebrate this special day with her!!  Isn't she so beautiful?

Mom-- you truly mean the world to me! I just don't know how to adequately express how much I love having you as my mom, my confidant, my good advice giver, my sons' Gigi, my hairdresser, and my travel partner, my decorator, and my very best friend.  I have always looked up to you, watched how you interact with others in such a caring way, and observed how you so deeply trust in God through the best of times and the very hardest of times.  I'm such a lucky woman to have you as my mom!  Even at 30 years old, I am constantly reminded of how much I still need and love having you in my life! 

I hope your milestone birthday today is the start of an amazing new and adventure-filled time in your life!  I look forward to the years ahead, watching you making so many wonderful memories with my boys--in your creative and fun way!  You see the beauty in life--a trait that many people are just too rushed to see--and we are lucky to get to walk alongside you and experience your view of the world! I adore you!

I love you so very much, my sweet Mommy! 
Happy Birthday!

June 1, 2012

May Pictures

I realize that there was quite a bit of a gap between my last two blogs... I'm so sorry to my extended family and friends who check often for updates and pictures of them! To make it up to you, here are a TON of pictures of the boys in action over the last few weeks! ;-)

Double trouble! ;-)

Playing at the train park in our neighborhood

Mother's Day lunch at our favorite McKinney Chinese restaurant...
Daddy on defense

My precious boy--what a blessed Mommy I am!!!

Celebrating Gigi too!

We stopped by the cemetery on Mother's Day too--I'm always thinking about my firstborn son...especially on Mother's day!

Jack being silly with Daddy

Teamwork with the box from our new patio screen... they carried this all around the backyard!

All bibs should become capes!

Jack doing a little stretching =)

My parents have been on a wonderful trip to CA, and we took a few pics of the boys with them before they left.  Too cute!

On Mother's Day, my request was to plant some flowers in our front and back yard.  This is SO not like  me, but I'm so proud of my flowers!  They are looking pretty too!  After 2 weeks of growing, they are beautiful, but our hail (pictures below) sure gave them a beating yesterday. =(

They love riding in shopping carts with double seats!

They LOVE showing their bellybuttons!

Big boy plates--they are doing really well eating off them,
and not flipping them too often!

A diaper only ride around the backyard

Silly faces with mommy =)

Cutest little heads and feet

Daddy took the boys on a fun little run across the alley

We finally put drapes up in our living room (we've only lived here 8 months!), and the boys love to play in them!  I thought they'd try to rip them down, but they really are doing a great job!

We've been watching my parent's dog Molly, and the boys LOVE her!  They both love to play with her and lay their heads on her soft fur... it's too cute!

At a party for the MOPS group I'm going to join next year, the boys had a blast jumping and playing with all the toys!

I found a great deal on a backyard climbing toy for the boys. It is just their size and they LOVE it!

I also got this little trampoline--they have fun on it, but we're going to have to work on sharing or taking turns.
We had biting within the first minute they were on it. =(
The boys adore reading books on Daddy's lap--and I love watching it!

Two nights ago, we had a crazy storm system come through. We woke up at 3am to torrential rain accompanied by quarter-sized hail.  Thank goodness we didn't have any damage that night!

The next day, we had 2 more times of hail, along with lightening and thunder.

Sadly, a house right around the corner from us was hit by lightening and caught on fire.  It was so very sad to watch the smoke and flames pouring out of the roof. The older couple who live there lost everything, and sadly, the husband was already in the hospital, with not much longer to live.  The poor wife--please lift them up in prayer with me!

The view from our upstairs patio... there were at least 3 more fire trucks down the street.
 And the last few pics from yesterday...

Will LOVES to lay on the floor reading his books--
super cute little reader!

A zoom in of Will from a picture I texted Justin yesterday

And one of Jack too... what beautiful eyes and smiles they have!!

Did you make it? I'm impressed! That was a lot of pictures!! =)

Can't believe that my boys are 21 months old today--just three short months and they will be 2 year olds! They are just so much fun!