January 19, 2009

Finally, an update!

Okay...I'm finally back! It has been much too long since I've done a real post about our lives on here. After all, my blog is called "The Steiner Life"! So here is a (hopefully pretty short) recap of the last 3 weeks.

First of all, let me just say thanks for praying along with me for prayer requests I post on my blog. Like another one of my blogging friends said today, it feels kind of impersonal to post prayer requests on here, but honestly, I think blogs are such an amazing place for spiritual fellowship and support. I can't tell you how much I've been inspired by other ladies in this blog-world, and honestly, challenged to deepen my faith!! I've experience first-hand how God is at work through these blogs. I was blessed so much by the support and prayers that we recieved from all my friends when we lost Jonathan. So I will continue to share needs of friends, both from blogs and the real world, because where 2 or 3 are gathered, He is there!

I just wanted to show a picture of Justin's new golf clubs he got for Christmas. Our families were so generous in donating to his "club fund", and he is now the proud new owner of these beauties.

Can you tell why he needed some new ones?! Note that the head of this club isn't attached anymore!

I'm so proud of my sweet hubby, and have to share...he has been working out faithfully for over 2 months now, and has lost almost 20 pounds so far! He's doing a workout called P90X with a friend, and, if I do say so, he is looking pretty good!! =)
Part of the reason I haven't felt like blogging much lately is that I have not only been stressed out about the whole baby/infertility thing, but also about Justin's work and our finances. Justin has worked in the mortgage industry for the last 4 years, and honestly, most of the time, it has been great. The last year has been pretty tough though, especially when you add in the emotional heaviness of losing our son. So Justin had been looking for another line of work for awhile, and as of the 1st week in January, was planning on starting a new job in another industry. We figured that even though this new job was going to take awhile to build up business to be able to make enough money to make a living, it couldn't be much worse than how the mortgage industry was doing.
I was excited for him, but part of me dreaded the next year. Our goal had always been for me to be able to stay home with our children, and know knowing that I have an incompetent cervix, bedrest could very much be a possibility with my next pregnancy. So all this to say that without enough income, things were seeming pretty hopeless to me, and honestly, I got a little down. Everything that I had hoped and longed for and dreamed of just kept seeming further away.
Long story short, after Justin had worked at his new job for just 3 days, his old boss called and wanted to see if he'd be interested in coming back. The mortgage industry has had a major turn-around, and all the loan officers are super busy with the potential of making good money! So after considering it, he decided to go back. What an answer to our prayers! Justin has gone back, and is re-energized and busier than he has been in over 2 years! And my hopes are coming back up as well--we might be back on track towards me being able to stay home!

Last thing to update you on (for now...this post is getting too long and I'll write another one tomorrow). Another GREAT thing that is making me smile again is that my parents are moving from California to Texas next week!!!! It has been 10 years since I've lived in the same city as them, and I couldn't be happier. They have been thinking of coming this way for a few years--to be around grandkids--and they are finally on their way! The amazing thing about it is that my mom and I are going to work together! My principal hired her to pretty much do exactly what I'm doing--reading tutoring--and that means we'll be together ever day! My mom and I are best friends, and I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined we'd ever be able to work together! Another answer to prayer to have them close by! They are even going to stay with us for awhile until they figure out exactly where they want to live. I can't wait for them to be here! I love you Mom and Dad!!! See you next week!

Okay--that's all for now. Sorry it is kind of long-winded! I have a few more fun things that we've done to share, but that is enough for now.

Keep praying for Baby Harper (Click on her name for link). She is still critical, but the prognosis seems to be improving!

Tomorrow is the inauguration--I'm praying that President Obama will do great things for our country. Even though I didn't vote for him and don't agree with much of what he believes, he is still our president and I want the best for our country!

January 17, 2009

Please Pray...

I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and I'm sorry. Every few days I've sat at the computer with the intention of posting, and then just didn't feel it. I promise more blogs about our lives will come soon--we've had some fun things happening.

But right now, I'd like to ask you to be praying for a blog-friend of mine, Kelly . (Click on her name to go to her blog.) After some years of infertility, she finally had her little girl, Harper, last night. But there have been some serious complications and she was flown from Arkansas to Tulsa. They think she has a very bad case of pneumonia, but are doing other tests to figure out if there is more. She is in critical condition right now. Please lift them up with me--I know all too well what it is like to lose a baby, a baby that you want and prayed for more than anything, and I don't want this precious family to have to go through that. Please pray for a quick and full recovery for this sweet baby girl!! Thank you for your prayers!!

January 3, 2009

So I've changed the look of my blog again--not sure it is 'the one' for the year--we'll give it a few days and see how it feels!

Justin and Betsy posed for this picture on New Years Day. I'm always amazed by my dog--how willing she is to be dressed up and pose for pictures. We have hundreds of pictures (no joke) of her. We just can't get enough of her cuteness!

Friday night we went out to dinner with our friends Brandon and Michelle. They are expecting their first baby, Addie, in just a couple months! We can't wait to meet her! Thanks Michelle, for the info about Scrapblog.com! Love the free program to make the headers--I've been looking for one!

Here we are all together...such good friends!

Just a quick post today--hope you are having a good weekend! I'm back to work on Monday--not really too pumped to be going back. Got to be honest--I love vacation and spending time with my hubby!

...and Happy Birthday Jenny!! One of my best friends from high school turned 28 today!! Hope you've had a great day, Bob! Love you!

January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!

Betsy says "Happy 2009 Everyone!!" What a festive puppy!