October 13, 2013

First Movie!

Today was another first for the Steiner Boys... their first time to go to a movie in the theater! =)

After church, we headed over to the mall for an early matinee...a good time since there weren't too many people in the theater! We saw the movie Planes, and it was really cute!

I don't think that movies as a family will be a regular event yet...especially one that requires buying lunch at the theater!  Seriously...we spent $75 for tickets and food!  We will definitely have to rethink the food next time! Mommy will just bring a big purse packed with goodies! =)

But for their first one, we went all out and get the kids movie packs...which they LOVED!  I think they seriously ate almost all of their popcorn!
Too many different choices! 

Got the food... and on their way!

A little blurry, but a nice "cheese" face from Jack!

Blurry again, but I think they stopped to look at every single poster! Ha!

Of course, we were at the far end of the hallway....quite a trek for 2 very interested boys! 

We made it!

Getting settled in...

My boys!

So cute! Before too long, these feet will reach down to the floor!

Into the movie!
Overall, they did a really good job!  We made it through the whole movie!  They did chatter quite a bit, but most everyone else had kids with them and didn't mind too much...thank goodness!  Justin was quite busy running the boys back and forth to the bathroom (a potty training post coming soon), so he was pretty tired after the movie! Ha!  But all in all, it was a great family outing! We just can't believe how grown up they are getting!  The last of the "baby" is really gone!  Makes me a bit sad, but we are just thrilled with the big boys that they are, and having so much fun every single day!