May 29, 2011

CA Part 1: The Flight

We are right now in our rental van, driving from Oakland to my favorite Central CA coast town of Cayucos. Thanks to my hubby's cool new iPad, I can blog about our trip during our trip! So, since we have long drives every few days, I'm going to attempt to keep you updated!!

-----Part 1: The Flight

What a wonderful start to our trip to California! I was definitely nervous about getting the boys out here. I've heard horror stories about screaming babies on planes, and have been on my share of long plane rides with fussy babies around me. So I wasn't sure if I'd end up being one of those frazzled moms. But I was pleasantly surprised and proud that my boys did so well!

My dad was wonderful to drive us to the airport and help us with the boys while we checked in our bags. Of course we didn't get a picture of our whole set up (3 suitcases, 2 carry-ons, 2 large car seat backpacks, and the double stroller with the boys), but we will be sure to on the way home!

Even though the boys weren't too happy to be in their stroller while were waiting go through security ...

... Once were through and they were in our arms, they were happy campers!! When we were at the gate, we found a little corner to hang our in, change diapers, make bottles, and wait for the plane!

The flight was scheduled to be two legs, with a stop in Albuquerque on the plane. I was nervous, but I was so surprised and relieved (and proud!) that the boys did a fabulous job!!! I'm sure the people who sat near us weren't too thrilled to be near twin babies at first, but were all smiles to us at the end of each flight! The boys had a few fussy times, but for the most part, were all smiles, giggles, and sweetness! They each took a nap on each flight, and were happy to be entertained by our baby apps on our iPhones and play with their little toys! We even had multiple people sitting around us making silly faces at the boys that made them smile even more!

What angel babies we have!! And the best compliment of all, near the end of the second flight, when I was rocking Jack in the galley, one of the flight attendants said, "If only all babies were as well behaved as yours are! They have been great and are just so adorable!" Nothing like a sweet compliment that made the is mama so proud!!

We were met at the airport by my mom, my Aunt Sharon, and my cousins Senna and Cica. I think they were all happy to be the first ones to meet the boys!!

What a great first flight with the boys! I'm thankful that God answered my prayers and allowed us all to have a great trip!

Justin got our van, and we were quickly off to get to see the rest of the family! Part 2: Family Time--coming soon!

May 26, 2011

Getting close!!!

We are getting close to leaving for our trip... Just 11 hours until we leave our house! But even more exciting ... The boys are getting closer and closer to crawling!!! Check out these strong boys! Will is in gray and Jack is in orange.

They are both able to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. I think they are going to coordinate arms and legs soon! They are determined little guys!!

(By the way... I'm testing out a blog from Justin's new iPad! I hope it works so I don't have to drag along my laptop!! But if the pictures are formatted weird, that is why!)

Have a great memorial day weekend! I'll do my best to blog from our trip!

**Checking from my laptop ... not great with formatting and little pictures. Hmm... hopefully I'll figure it out!  Hope you still enjoy! =)

May 25, 2011

2 more sleeps...

... Until we are off to California!

I am so excited about this trip that I can hardly sleep! Literally ... I lay up, or wake up, thinking about all the details of our trip, packing, etc.  I am definitely a planner, but I'm a little frustrated that my body seems to think it must plan all night long as well! =(

So I think I've thought through all I need to bring/do to make sure the boys have everything for 8 days.  I think we'll survive the week without their large baby pen, their baby einstein activity centers, their high chairs, baskets of toys, and their cribs! I know they'll be plenty of hands to hold and laps to cuddle on!  My only 'worry' left are the flights.  We are flying Southwest and have only one stop, but we won't exit the plane.  The doctor gave us tips about having their bottles during take off and landing for their ears, and I have plenty of toys, distractions, and extra formula packed.  I'm just thinking about my active little boys who love to wiggle, stand, roll, jump, and the fact that they don't really like to fall asleep anywhere but their cribs lately ... it should be a fun few hours in the air!

Any tips for this first time flying-with-twins mom from all you mommy experts out there?  I'd love any that you could give!

May 20, 2011

In-N-Out ... in Texas!!

Today was a dreary, rainy day.  Justin was coming home early, and I had a great idea!  It was time to try the new In-N-Out that just opened here a few weeks ago! (Side note...I grew up going to In-N-Out as a special treat at our halfway stop going to the central California coast.  It is so yummy, and I am SO excited that they finally arrived here in Texas!!) Figuring the line wouldn't be very long since it was pouring down rain and we were well before the dinner rush, we put the boys in the car and headed off.

But ... I was wrong! I guess everyone had the same great idea! =( Here is our starting point in line! Can you see the restaurant waaaaay off in the distance??
But the line moved fairly quickly, thanks to the wonderful policemen standing out in the rain guiding us through! (At this point, we'd been in line about 15 minutes)
 Getting closer!  We could actually see the "X" palm trees!
 So close!!! (25 minutes at this point) But wait ... we are turning away from the restaurant!
 And going for a loop around the edge of the parking lot. =(
 Making our way slowly back towards the restaurant (35 minutes at this point)
 Oh, we're close!!!  The workers under the umbrella are taking orders, and are just two cars away!
 Order taken!  And we're on our way to get our food! (50 minutes)
 YES!!!  Here it is! (and SOO not Weight Watcher's friendly ... I'm pretending I'm not on it right now! =)
 My In-N-Out 'delivery' boy!  Isn't he so cute?!
And my modeling of the goofy hat.  *Note to self: hats don't sit on your head correctly when your hair is in a pony-tail!
 Mmmmmmmm ... So good!!!
I guess we liked it!
The wait was definitely worth it!  All in all, from getting into line, waiting, eating, and leaving to go home, it only took us a little over an hour! And the boys were happy little guys in the backseat!! What angels! The boys love In-N-Out!
The cuties modeling their hats
But this is as close as they will get to eating it for awhile!!
And one thing I had to look for right away ... the verse on the bottom of the cup!  You've got to like and support a company that puts their faith out there!

What a fun and yummy evening!!  We love you, In-N-Out, and we will be visiting you often!  Welcome to Texas!

California, here we come!

I'm just so excited ... 7 days until our trip to California!!!

(this sign is just for you, Dad!)

Can't wait to see my family and friends and show off our boys!

***Don't forget to read post below about the dedication if you missed it! =)

May 19, 2011

Dedication Weekend

This past weekend of the boys' dedication was amazing!!  We had so much fun with our family in town, and the boys were spoiled like crazy!  Sadly, my brother was really sick, so we didn't get to spend much time with him to keep the boys healthy! =( 
Here are some fun pics from the weekend ...
(Thanks Joy for taking so many great ones!)

Ryley holding Jack ... she is such a GREAT help with the boys!
Justin and I thought she should just move in! =)
Mammaw, Will, and Ryley having fun on the swing!
Ryley helping me cook dinner ... seriously ... I need her to live in Texas!

Aunt Joy with the boys
Will and Ryley watching Baby Einstein
Jack watching in his 'recliner' chair!
Will after his bath ...
And Jack ... he had a post-bath fountain on Daddy's shirt! =(
Daddy and his boys!

Cutest little faces ever!
Jack with the special toy that Ryley gave the boys!
Will ... showing everyone his rolling skills!
After the boys went to bed, we had fun playing games!
Pappaw and Will ... special cuddle time!
Three generations of Steiner men!
Play time ... we spend a lot of time down on the floor!
Mammaw and Jack ... he loved it when she whistled to him!
More swing time!
The grandmas feeding the boys!

 And now for the big event ... our boys' dedication!

We attempted a family picture before we left for church

Waiting to go up on stage ... the boys were 2 out of 11 babies being dedicated this week!
We were on the end, kind of in the dark, but it was fine with us!
Our pastor John, praying for the boys.
(I have a great video coming of the dedication!)

After the service, we had a reception where everyone got to spend time with the boys.
Thanks SO much Mom and Dad for setting everything up!  It wouldn't have been the perfect
day without your help!!!
Daddy and sleepy Will ... they made it 1 1/2 hours after their bedtime, and didn't really cry!
Sweet family picture ...
Notice the jammies!
 (The boys went through 3 outfits during the 3 hours we were at church!)

I can't really begin to describe how special dedicating our boys to the Lord was to me.  I really began dreaming of this day very soon after we lost Jonathan. I told Justin that I couldn't wait to be able to give our next child to the Lord in our church, and I never dreamed that it would be twins!  God has blessed us with these precious miracles, and there isn't a day or even moment that goes by that I don't think about how incredibly lucky I am to be their mommy! I pray that He will give us wisdom in raising them to be caring, honest, strong men of God!

It was so special having our family, our church family, and so many amazing friends, and even some from afar, supporting us.  We are so grateful for all the support and prayers! Thank you to our families for being here with us! We love you!