March 27, 2011


I made my first batch of homemade baby food this weekend! Thanks Shannon for letting me borrow your babyfood is sure super simple!  My first batch was sweet potatoes, which the boys will be enjoying later this week!
Sweet potatoes!

Betsy was hoping for something to fall on the floor helping!
Yum!  Lunch for a week!

So far the boys eat rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, and as of today...avocados!  And they actually BOTH liked them!  I think Jack is turning a corner and is going to start trying to eat off the spoon a bit more!

Will scarfing down his oatmeal and bananas! I can't get it in his mouth fast enough!

Yummy!  And a messy face!  Actually, this one was a pretty clean one!

I'm really looking forward to making the majority of what they eat!  I've never been a huge one for organics, etc, but it will be nice to know exactly what is going into their little bodies!  We will mix in jarred food occasionally, so we can be out and about.  But at least for awhile, homemade is our plan!

Happy boys holding hands

And Daddy taught Will some important skills this morning...

Pro already!
Practicing sitting like big boys!

Hope you've had a great weekend!

March 22, 2011


Before I show you pictures of the boys' first tug-of-war experience, I had to share with you a few more fun pictures of the boys from the last couple days!  

Jack had to show off his smile, and the cool onesies they were wearing!  They say, "My Dad has Super Powers!"  So true!

We finally broke out the standing toys last night, and the boys LOVE them!! We have to stuff blankets around them because they can't sit up on their own yet, and it works really well.  Usually their max time limit on any of their toys (except their mats) is about 10 minutes.  But today, Jack (left) played for almost 40 minutes!!  He kept turning himself around looking at and playing with all the toys!  So fun!

Will so happy...and in motion as you can tell from the blurry picture!

Getting a good look at his new toys!

Jack having so much fun! Doesn't he look like such a big boy?
 Getting a little tired...
 This was our lunch time set-up today...Oatmeal AND Bananas!  

 I didn't get a picture of Will (because he was chowing down so fast!), but this one of Jack pretty much shows that he still isn't much interested in food yet.  He took a few bites of bananas and seemed to think they were better than the oatmeal, but he just wanted his bottle.  I just think he's not liking the texture yet. We'll keep trying!  Will finished up almost all of the bananas and all of the oatmeal. What an eater! 

And now for the Tug-of-War...

We were waiting in the doctor's office today, and the boys were having fun! Little did they know shots were coming a few minutes later!  They both were enjoying their tag blankets (thanks Tena!!), and Will decided he needed to have his AND Jack's!  And that started their first tug-of-war!

Will: Hey brother...your blanket looks nice!
Jack: Thanks!  I really like it!
I think I'm going to try to sneak in and get the blanket while brother is looking at mom.
Will: Got it!
Jack: Hey!  That's mine!
Will: I've got to hurry!
Jack: Mine!! Maybe I can pull it. Oh wait, I have to get my thumb into my mouth.
Jack: Yes!  Got it back...and my thumb is in!
Will: Not so fast brother!
Will: Ha Ha!'s mine now!
Jack: Wait a minute!  What just happened??
Will: I have to pull it away.
Jack: How did my blanky get way over there?
Jack: Yes!  All mine!
Will: Not so fast!  My hand still has it!
Jack: I think I've finally gotten it back!
Will: He doesn't know I've still got it, and I've got mine!  This  is the life!
Jack:'s good.  I think I'll just keep my foot on brother to make sure he doesn't try to take my blanky again!
Will: Hee Hee...I'm so sneaky!
Will: I'm so funny Mommy!
Jack: Mom...I'm keeping my blanket on this side of me from now on!

The End.

(ps...We miss you Daddy!!)

March 20, 2011

Cutie-pie update

My laptop cord broke last week, so it was only intermittently charging my computer. I was afraid that my computer would go dead, so the blog had to wait.  So after a trip to the genius bar at the Apple store today, I'm back in business!  Sorry to have kept you from the cuteness so long! =) Pictures and a video below the update!

This past week Justin's parents came to visit the boys for a few days, and I was able to go help my parents a little bit, during their move!  I've tried to help over the past few weeks of their packing, but with 2 six-month olds, I've been pretty useless!  My parents usually ended up taking a break from their work to feed or play with the boys!  So thanks, Kathy and Gene, for giving me a day to go over and actually be helpful!

Our friend Shannon, also a mommy of twin boys, came last Saturday to take some family pictures and the boys' 6 month pictures.  Of course, my smiley boys did not smile. At. All. Bummer! I can't wait to see how they turned out, even it they are with serious boys! But we'll do some more soon and hopefully get some big boys sitting up with huge smiles on their faces!

The boys have been so much fun this week!  I think every day they are figuring out more new things!  They are both the kings of blowing bubbles now, and the spit is flowing! They are seriously chewing on their is just about all they can do to try to stuff both fists into their mouths at the same time!  Will has become more and more the talker!  He just lays around and talks now, or talks to us when we are holding him!  Of course, his long 'monologues' I haven't gotten on film, but I will do my best to get one this week!  It just amuses us to no end!  They are LOVING their jumpers still.  They both can jump and spin around in them.  They also both like to chew/suck on them as well!  They giggle when I swing them, and they both are getting better at staying in them longer. They are still continuing to sleeping all night long...praise the Lord! We are just amazed that they are such good sleepers!

Will just hanging...
Jack getting a good taste!
Betsy and Will having a good time!
A little worn out from a good play time!
We are improving in the eating department too!  They started oatmeal this weekend, and now will both eat it without crying.  Jack likes about 4-5 bites, and then starts blowing bubbles to signal that he's done.  He really still just loves his bottle and can suck down 6.5 oz in about 10 minutes!  But Will is in love with oatmeal!  2 days in a row now, he has eaten almost the whole bowl by himself!  He opens his mouth really big when the spoon is coming, and really seems to like it!  So we'll go with letting Will eat oatmeal and Jack can have his bottle.  I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon too!  I'm planning to add in bananas this week...I'm thinking that one might be a favorite for both boys!

Coming up this week the boys have some dr appointments. Tuesday is their last synagis shot!!  Thankfully they have still remained healthy, even though Justin and I both had a bit of a cold this weekend!  So this shot will take us through late April, when we are for sure out of the woods! I'm hoping the dr will give us the all clear to be done with house arrest! I think we're all ready to be 'allowed' out to enjoy our nice spring weather more!

On Wednesday the boys are going for their 4 month (adjusted age) appointment with the developmental pediatrician.  This is the same dr that saw them in the NICU, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she thinks they are doing!  Our pediatrician says that sometimes they give you a worse case scenario, and make you feel like the babies are further behind than they really are.  Our pediatrician is proud of how the boys are doing and thinks they doing really well catching up, so no matter what she says, I know Will and Jack are doing great!

Out for a walk around the neighborhood with mommy--they love being outside!  Especially in our new stroller! They'll be big enough to sit in the big boy seats soon!

Our 1st St. Patrick's day...Mommy blew it and didn't get a picture with the bibs.  Oops!
Happy St. Patrick's!  Like our green?  We were little (adorable and sweet) monsters!
Jack is my wiggle worm!  I was trying to get him just to smile, and he just wiggled around!  Look at his arms and legs...practically a blur!
Will likes to stay still and smile for the camera!

Justin is gone until Thursday this week for work, and none of us are looking forward to it. =( The boys are definitely going to miss their time with Daddy!

But, thankfully, my parents are in town, and love every excuse to spend more time with the boys! So we are going to have a couple extra sets of hands to help me out while daddy is gone!  

I was out in the front yard weeding the flower beds tonight and the boys had a great time out there in the nice weather!  Jack was about done by the time this video was taken, but Will was so excited!!

Phew...this was a long one!  Can't believe we're in the countdown to 7 months old!  How in the world are they over half way to a year old?!  These boys are just the best!

March 11, 2011

6 month fun!

The boys were so happy this morning that they finally fit into another one of their cute name onesies!!  Thanks so much Lauren!  We love them!
Getting a kick out of each other!  And Jack got a few mouthfuls of Will's feet too!! =)

Big boys!

I bought them jumpy seats yesterday and put them in them this morning!  It was a mixed reaction... Will loved it and Jack just wanted to suck on it!  Too funny!

Such cute additions to Justin's office!

Jack had had enough, so he played on his playmat instead!
Will wasn't ready to stop playing yet!

Mom...this is so much fun!

We went to the doctor today for their 6 month appointments, and they are just great!  They're getting more and more caught up developmentally! They have continue to get heavier too!  Will is 16 lbs 5 oz and Jack is 16 lbs 4 oz...just about the same! Such big boys!  It is so wonderful to have such good check-ins with the pediatrician!  And, they didn't cry as much with their shots this time!  Great job boys!

Here are a few videos of the boys' first tastes of cereal on Sunday!

Getting all ready!

Will's first taste...

Jack's first taste...

Tomorrow we are having a fellow twin mommy (and awesome photographer) take the boys' 6 month pictures, plus our first 'official' family picture!  I'm so excited!  Hopefully the boys will give us more great pictures!! 

March 6, 2011

I love their thumbs!!

I am one happy momma...and I love my boys' thumbs!  Why you ask?  Because their newfound love and ability to suck on their thumbs has now given us 5 nights in a row of sleeping at least 11 hours straight!!  Oh, happy day!  It is just amazing to me watching them on the video monitor...they start to stir, fuss, and wake up, and just seconds later, that magic thumb finds its way into the mouth, and then...a sleeping baby again!  Oh hallelu!  I never thought the day would come, but it is here!  Way to go boys!!


I ordered some Baby Legs off of a few days ago, and I love them! They were 50% off, so I was able to get 6 sets for the price of 3...gotta love buy one get one free with twins! They boys look so stinking cute in them, and it sure makes changing their diapers easier!  Justin is loving them too...he always HATES taking off their pants to just change their diapers, so this is a perfect solution!

And I got the most adorable video of the boys while they were laying on the floor in their baby legs!  I accidentally took the video sideways, but I still had to post it!  Listen carefully...they boys are talking to each other!!

March 4, 2011


I just had to do a quick post today about my little mover!  He has been cracking us up with the different positions he gets himself into lately...especially during naptime in his crib! 

He is absolutely loving his thumb!  Usually the right one, but this morning, he didn't care...he just wanted one of them in his mouth!  Too cute!

This is typically the position we put him to be in. 

Yesterday I came in and his little legs were hanging out from the side...

And once he saw me sneaking pictures, they started wiggling like crazy! =)

Another time I woke him up...he had turned himself completely around and tried to stick his legs out the other side of the crib! (Sorry about the scary eyes--it was dark in the room!)

And another wake-up...turned around the other way. He had moved from the middle of the crib up to almost the corner!  And of course, the thumb!!
The funny thing about all this moving and crazy positions though is that I never see him move!  I watch the video monitor, but I never really see him in movement...he just appears in a new position each time I look!  Crazy!
And a first...after I changed the boys' diapers, I left Jack to wiggle and play on the blanket while I fed Will, and he sucked his thumb and put himself to sleep!  The boys have never just fallen asleep on the floor like this...they'll usually wiggle and wiggle, getting more and more slow motion, but don't fall asleep.  And he did this 2 times yesterday!!  Wow!

I know you moms out there probably think all these things are so normal, but I'm just so amazed by the things that they are learning to do!  Every day there are more changes, and I'm just taking in every one!  It is so special for me to have the privilege of getting to be home each and every day with my boys...I just don't know what I'd do if I was missing this precious moments!! Thanks Justin for working so hard for us so I can stay home!!  I love you!

And because I just couldn't bring myself to leave Will out, even on a post about Jack, here's a quick video of a not happy William.  They are, most of the time, really happy babies.  I guess that is why I  still think these sad faces and crying are adorable!  Don't worry...right after this, I picked him right up and he was fine again! =)