August 5, 2010

25 Weeks!!!

One week closer to meeting our boys!!! They are doing so well, I'm growing (and growing!), and everything is looking just fabulous!

At yesterday's ultrasound, they were looking just amazing! Their heartbeats were 137 (Jack) and 143 (Will). They are both measuring 25w 3d, so 4 days ahead...great! The doctor was very happy to see that they are so big...Jack weighed 1lb 10oz and Will weighs 1lb 12oz!! So over three pounds of babies are what is making my tummy so big!! =) Their fluid levels are still pretty near equal on each side of the membrane separating them, so that means their is still no sign of TTTS! Praise Jesus!! My blood pressure was very good and low, my cervix is still long, and that makes me happy! He said that right now, they are on track to be 7 pound babies if I can make it to 36 weeks--how awesome would that be for twins?!!

Here are some pictures of our little guys...

Jack is still in the same position, head on my right side, feet and booty down by my cervix, and he is looking toward my spine. He gave us some really cute shots and video of his face, and he had his little hand and fingers right up by his face! Just too cute!!

Will is still in the transverse position, but has completely flipped! His head is now over on the right side and his feet are on my left. He and Jack are lying with their heads right together-sweet brothers! And nice of him not to be kicking his brother in the head for a little bit!! He also decided that he didn't want to show us a clear view of his face (again!), but he did impress us with his gymnastic abilities!! He had his arms a legs stretched straight out. Look at those long legs!!

He finally gave us (almost) a little profile shot, and was touching his knee to his nose! He definitely gets his flexibility from his daddy!!

My appointment on Tuesday with my OB was great as well. We begin going every three weeks to her on our next appointment (the glucose test). My doctor is just so sweet, and gave me a great big hug...she is excited too at how far we have made it, and that everything is going so well!! She said I was measuring like a singleton pregnancy at 31 weeks, so I'm almost 6 weeks ahead, size-wise!! Wow! I'll add a picture of the tummy soon!

It is just so absolutely wonderful to be at this point, and on my way towards holding big healthy babies in my arms! Thanks for your continued prayers!!!


Marie W said...

Praise God for 25 weeks!

Suz said...

Girl, you are getting sooo close! And those boys are going to be SO handsome, I can tell just by looking at those ultrasounds!!!

Brian and Dara said...

Brianna and Riley love looking at "their boys" (they seem to be a bit possessive!). I am so happy to continue to see how well you are doing and am busy keeping everyone here updated. Love you!

Amber Ross said...

YEAH!! I love reading your weekly updates and am so thankful your babies are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures!! I'm so thrilled!! Just keep growing!!! Have a wonderful weekend!