September 23, 2009


Our egg retrieval is at 8am tomorrow!! We have to be there at 7, and they say to expect to be there at least 3 hours. We are so excited, and are praying for successful retrieval of enough eggs, and that fertilization will take place!! Can't wait to share details with you tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your prayers!!


Cristina said...

I will be on pins and needles waiting to see the next post!!! I hope all goes well for you tomorrow. We will be praying for you and the medical professionals and all the little lives they are working with! God is Great!

Love you guys!

Kelly said...

Hi Alyson, I've been following your blog for a little while now (Since you posted your TAC journey on Abbyloopers). I just wanted to wish you and Justin all the best for tomorrow and also a happy 28th birthday too! I hope it brings you the birthday present you want ;)
Kel xo

Amanda said...

Praying for you!

Lianna Knight said...

Praying for you Alyson!!!

Tena said...

Now that it's almost 10 o'clock, I'm hoping you've had a successful retrieval and you're making plans for a nice birthday lunch!
Sending prayers for those little eggies and their fertilization!

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! You will do great tomorrow! God has great things planned for you and Justin! Keep us posted! Don't forget your numbing cream! You will need it tomorrow evening!!! (If you start your pregestrone tomorrow, I started mine on retreival day!!)