September 20, 2009

Sunday IVF Update...

It was another great appointment today!!! Praise Jesus!!

It seems like we are in the final stretch of IVF...we have one more appointment on Tuesday morning, and if all is like they anticipate, we will be having the retrieval of the eggs on Thursday. Which, crazy enough, happens to be my 28th birthday!! Wow--what a great birthday present to be at that important step on that day!!

Today's stats...

Lining--11.1!!!! The ideal lining measurement for sustaining a pregnancy is 11-12, so I'm right there!!

Follicles/Eggs-- The right ovary took the lead over the last few days. It had 12 measurable follicles between 13-16mm, with another 10 or so around 11mm. The left also grew, but it didn't have as many in the lead. I had 5 follicles that were between 13.5-15.5mm, and then another 11 or so 12mm or smaller. When the doctor came in to give us our next step, he explained that this was looking VERY good. They like to see groupings of follicles around the same size, which means they will all mature about the same time. He said both ovaries had good groupings, and that they should be just the right size by Tuesday to move on to the next step.

So if all looks good on Tuesday, I will stop the fertility stimulation shots that day, and do a shot called ovidrel that prepares the eggs for ovulation...kind of like the final step in the maturation process. They time this all carefully, so they can go in and retrieve them before my body ovualtes them on its own. The retrieval will be in the afternoon, I think, on Thursday, and then we will transfer 2 embryos back in the next Tuesday!!!

Again, a great appointment with great news, and just a few more days of stimulation...yeah!! Thank you for all your prayers, wonderful comments of encouragement, and great tips. It is so nice to have a support squad that is behind us in this process!! I just can hardly wait to give you all GREAT news on October 8th!!!


Aubrey and Jen said...

I ran to check your blog as soon as I got home from church! This is wonderful news!!! I was also excited to hear "Glory Baby" playing in the glad you liked that song & that it has brought you comfort!!!

Unknown said...

I actually had my eggs retrieved on my 28th birthday last year!!! I know you will be announcing your pregnancy in 2 weeks!!! Hang in there!!!

Audra said...

Oh Aly, your post brought tears to my eyes! I will be praying even more that God's wonderful plan for you will unfold before you. Can't wait to hear your update! Love you!

Cristina said...

Hey Friend! I just now had a chance to catch up on all of the great news! I can't believe it's so close... I'm sure it seems like an eternity though. We will be praying for you, Justin, your doctor, and all of the people invloved. I can't wait for the next update! Love you and miss you so much!

Lianna Knight said...

This is GREAT news Alyson!! And so many follicles...AMAZING!!!

Praying for the best birthday present EVER!