September 20, 2009

Another love note...

If you haven't read our IVF update from earlier today, don't forget to scroll down after you finish this post. I don't usually post twice in one day, but I just couldn't resist sharing!!! I got another love note in the lawn today. This is my second one from my sweet hubby (if you missed the first one, click here). What a lucky lady I am to have a man who loves me so much, he is willing to mess up the lawn for months, just to make me smile!!

(Don't forget to mute the music at the bottom of the page.)

And notice that it is not only pictures, but a video clip as well ...we got a video camera a few weeks ago for a heck of a deal! My father-in-law works at a media store, and they were able to make us an unbelievable deal--a $600 camera that we got for only $175!! Isn't that amazing?!! We always said we wanted to have a video camera for when we have a baby, so I guess we're ready now!! =)

I love you so much, my Justin. I can't imagine living even a moment without you by my side. Thank you for being there for me--and writing me love notes in our lawn!!!


Audra said...

That's one creative guy! I loved hearing your voice on the video.

The steiner life said...
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The steiner life said...

You are one special nephew,you are so thoughtful,loving and caring.
Some of things you do remind of the loving things your Uncle John did for me.
Love Aunt Mona

Sarah said...

that is SOOOO cute!!!!

Tara said...

I love it!

Suz said...

Ok, I think that may be the sweetest thing ever!