July 24, 2010

I'm so proud...

...of my wonderful husband! Yesterday and today have been some great days for him, and I just have to brag on him a little bit!!!

Yesterday, he had his semi-annual review at work, and it was AWESOME!! He is so great at what he does, and it was nice for him to hear it from his boss. He is truly one of the leaders on his team, and I'm so very proud of him and all the hard work and long hours he puts in for our family!

Also yesterday, he found out how he ranks in comparison to other loan officers in his company... he is currently 4th in all of Texas and 2nd in the whole DFW region! Truly incredible!! He is on track right now to make it into the National Sales Conference, for a second year in a row, that is only made up of the best people in the company from all over the nation! What a huge accomplishment! Justin, you amaze me, and I'm so proud that you are mine!!

And today, he was up bright and early to do his 4th triathlon!! He has been training and doing these now for almost 2 years, and is still loving it and doing a spectacular job! I just don't understand how anybody can do it...350 m swim, 15 mile bike ride, and 5K run...all together!! There were a ton of people there, but Justin was near the front of the pack, and my dad and I had a great time being his 'cheerleaders'! We even found a place to park just on the other side of the fence from the finish line, so we could wait for him in an air conditioned car--super important for a pregnant lady!! =)

Here are some pics from the big event...

Just before the start...

Gotta love the self portraits...

The pool--50 m pool--that is a long swim up and back 7 times!

Jumping in...kind of hard to see him right under the start...

Almost done!!

Getting out... and moving on to the bike

Little bit far away...

Coming in the end...just a few hundred yards left to go...

He still had the energy to be silly!!

Last few steps!

Done!! They even announced his name as he crossed--fun!

A little tired...

Cutie pie...

The proud wife...ignore the fence in between us...it was just too far for me to walk all the way around to get inside!

Can you tell that I love my husband??? Babe--I'm so very proud of you and all the amazing things you accomplish...both at work and at play! I so glad to share life with you, and I can't wait until next year...the boys and I will be there to cheer Daddy on! I love you!


Suz said...

Way to go Justin!!

You look ADORABLE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Justin!!
You guys are too cute together!

The steiner life said...

I always new you were wonderful, I know you will make a wonderful father.
Aunt Mona

Anonymous said...

You look great! Please, Please, Please take care of yourself for the next 3 weeks...
I have had some very strange dreams about you...I am begging you to rest, rest, rest..

A loving friend.