March 1, 2010


I just had to share the exciting news!! After our appointment this morning, we are officially scheduled for our frozen embryo transfer tomorrow morning! We have to be there at 7:30, and the transfer is at 8:30. My lining had continued to thicken this week and was at a 6.6 this morning. I was asking God last night to at least let the lining be at a 6, since with the high quality of the lining, my doctor that anything over a 6 would be okay to proceed. So thank Jesus for an answer to this prayer! I think it will be much easier for me to be at peace during the waiting period knowing that it reached this number (and should still continue to thicken)!

Please pray for us tomorrow...
~Pray that as they thaw the embryos tonight, that they would still be high quality and will continue growing and dividing so they can become a healthy baby/babies...
~Pray that one or both would implant and stay stuck for the next 9 months...
~Pray that I wouldn't have any spotting over the next 9 days of waiting...
~Pray that God will give Justin and I peace and complete trust (and no worrying) that He is in control...


~Pray that March 12th will be a wonderful day of POSITIVE news!!!


Audra said...

Yeah!!!!! Praise God! I'm so glad for you about your lining. :) I will be praying for you and Justin and your babies as they are prepared for the procedure. Keep us updated! Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

May you have peace knowing that God is there with you in this process. Have a wonderful day.

Marie W said...

I am soooooo happy to hear this news! I will be praying that this FET is a SUCCESS and that one (or two) precious little embie sticks. Keeping you and Justin in prayer, and for the Lord to guide your Dr'.s hand. Let your Dr not just do a procedure, but that the GREAT PHYSICIAN take control.

erickson family said...

praying praying praying!!!

Jodi said...

Yeah!!! so glad you shared the good news! will be praying!

Cristina said...

I so happy to read these words!!! We will be praying. I hope that you are able to get some rest over the next few weeks. I wish we were closer.... I would bring you some food and movies!! Love you guys.

Stephanie said...

Our God is so good!! I pray for transfer to go well,lining to thicken, you to rest and trust in the Lord at ALL times!!!

Heather Davis said...

Woo Hoo! Can't wait to hear more news. I'll be praying that everything works out just perfectly. We love you guys!

Candie said...

Lots of love Alyson. Thank you for specifying exactly how to pray. It just feels better being able to speak those exact words and focus during prayer on those exact things. March 12th is my daddy's birthday! It'll be a great day!

Jenny Brannan said...

I'll be praying for you Al!!!! I love you guys!!!!