March 22, 2010

Big numbers!

So I had another pregnancy test today! I didn't need to have it done, but I wanted to! When I was pregnant with Jonathan, I did another test a week after the last one, just to see that my numbers were going up. So I decided that I wanted to do that again this time, for peace of mind that this pregnancy isn't just a dream, and to also be able to compare them to Jonathan's numbers!

I got the call back from my nurse around 2 today, and the numbers had indeed gone up! Yeah! As a rule of thumb, pregnancy hormone numbers (HCG--what these tests are measuring) should double about every 48 hours. So according to that, my numbers today should have been around 10,000 today. My number was 14, 716!! So that means everything is proceeding like it should! I questioned her about that number, but she said that didn't necessarily mean anything at this point. It is high, but she's seen single babies with super high numbers, and twins with lower we just have to wait for the sonogram in 10 days!

Every pregnancy is different, I've been told, and the numbers are too, but just for comparison, here are my numbers with Jonathan's pregnancy and the numbers from this pregnancy...

1st test...Jonathan--94, now--272
2nd test...Jonathan--242, now--1,070
3rd test...Jonathan--6,632, now--14,716

So I'm not quite sure what to make of it all, especially since Jonathan's numbers more than doubled on the last test as well. But it doesn't matter! Like my mom said on the phone today, "No matter how many are in there, this means you are having a baby!" And we are so truly thankful for that!!


Stephanie said...

I'm so happy, and thankful that our God goes above and beyond what we could even imagine.Praying and you're in my thoughts everyday!!

erickson family said...

i have never loved numbers so much. so excited for you love birds. :)

Anonymous said...


Jodi said...

Wow! What a difference in numbers! Just thankful the numbers are going up!!! :)

Audra said...

Yeah!!!! I would have had another test too. To see such high numbers is so comforting. Looks like a good strong pregnancy! Thanks for keeping us updated. Love you!

carolinagirl said...

Continuing to pray for you and Justin. I'm so happy to see your numbers to high. Hubby and I are going on a cruise next week and I'm bummed because I have to wait till I get back on US soil to see how many babies the Lord has blessed you with! I'll be thinking of you now and in 10 days saying extra prayers for you.

Hope your first day back to school was a success.

Lindsay said...

Woo hoo, can't wait to hear in 10 days how many babies! Those numbers are so exciting!

TN Bakers said...

If at all possible, I want to come visit you and this baby(babies) in the hospital in November Aly. I cannot wait!!!

Alicia Brunson said...

So happy for you both, God is good! Praying for you and your sweet little baby or babies :)

Anonymous said...

Those are great numbers! Can't wait to hear about the U/S ;)


Taryn said...

So happy! It gives me such great hope! What a miracle and such a blessing. God IS good!!

Tena said...

Wow! I'm so glad that the numbers keep going up!

Briana Feinberg said...

So excited for you two!! It's funny my great friend is 6wks pregnant and she did IVF, she has been trying to get pregnant for a very long time and guess what? She just found out she is having twins. What a blessing :) I'm so thankful God is working a miracle for you both :)Having a child is such a gift and has changed my life.