February 19, 2010

A Glimmer!!!

So the appointment today went well! Finally!!! While we are not yet at the lining number we want to be at, we will continue meds through the weekend, and I have hope that Monday's appointment will be the one with the news that we are really wanting to hear, that we're going to be able to do the FET!

Here were the details from today...

My lining went up to a 5.5 (from a 4.8 on Wednesday). The follicles were also growing, and will continue to grow and produce estrogen throughout the weekend. I do the shots through the weekend, along with another shot to prevent early ovulation.

So I'm really encouraged that Monday will be our day!

Finally--the glimmer of hope that I needed!!! Thanks for your prayers!!


erickson family said...

yeah. i love glimmers! :) continuing to pray for you guys! hope to see you sooN!

Marie W said...

Amen!!! Praying, praying, praying! I hope your grandma continues to do well.

Cristina said...

I was happy to see this post!!! We will keep praying that Monday is the day you need!!! Love you friend!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes coming your way! I'm thrilled to hear things are turning your way!! Thoughts and prayers continuing.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! I was so praying for a GLIMMER! Yay God!!!! Ok, now I have to know how you did that cute thing for your signature! Did you use the blog I sent you to find out how to do that?

Riley Kai said...

Praying, praying,praying!!!