October 8, 2008

Washington, DC Fun!!

As you know from my earlier posts, last weekend was my brother's wedding in Washington, DC. I was so excited to be able to go, and was counting down the days until we got to be there. All in all, it was a fantastic weekend! The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, the time with my family was wonderful, and we even got to see a few friends that live in the area while we were there. I've attached a bunch of pictures--so many, I kept coming back to do more over a couple of days! Sorry this post took me so long to post, but hopefully you like seeing all the pictures! I've also realized (after the trip--what luck) that I think that something is wrong with our camera. On a lot of the shots, the picture turned out a bit hazy, almost like there is a filter on the camera. I'm planning on giving it a good cleaning, and I hope that will fix it!

Right as we got to the airport, look who we saw!! Thought I'd snap a picture with my new friends! =)The night we arrived (Thursday) was a birthday party for my brother. He turned 30 on the 30th, so we had to celebrate his golden birthday!
My cute mom and dad enjoying the party.
This is Kristen, my brother's new wife, her dad, mom, and aunt. I was so excited to finally get to meet all of them. I think we all agreed that we felt like we already knew each other!
This is Bella--the second cutest cocker spaniel. Bella is a tiny cocker--about the size Betsy was when she was 8 months old! She also "sings" on cue!

Click on the video below to hear her song! (Sorry it is sideways--I couldn't figure out how to change it!

Friday night was the rehersal dinner. It was at the Sequoia Restaurant in Georgetown, and this picture does not begin to do it justice. We had a big room, plus the outside patio area with the gorgeous trees decked in the white lights. It was a wonderful evening, after a pretty crazy rehersal at the church. (The pastor seemed to not quite have it all together!) The food was fantastic, and we saw a great video of Aaron and Kristen growing up, made by one of Kristen's aunts. I love those kinds of videos! I was even in a few of the pictures--with lovely early 90s hair I might add!

Before the wedding, all of the groomsmen went to a place called "Gentleman's Quarters" for a hot lather shave and a manicure! Yes, Justin got a manicure! It was Aaron's first manicure too, and Kristen said that she hoped he wouldn't "turn into a princess"! Hilarious!
Here is Justin's very first manicure. Cracks me up to see this!
Brother-in-law love!! Head massage from the groom! =-)This was a quick snap before the wedding on Saturday. Justin was a groomsman, and was looking very handsome in his tux. I just had to get a shot of us together! (See what I mean about my camera doing weird things? Too bad)
Most of the pictures were done before the wedding--all except those with Aaron and Kristen together. The pictures were taken at LaFayette Park, just a block down from the hotel where everyone was staying. This is the park that is right in front of the White House, so they have some very cool, distinctly DC pictures. This picture is of the guys walking down towards that park--it was too great a shot to pass up! What studs!
Here is my mom and dad, on their way to the park also for some family shots.
These are 4 of the 5 groomsmen with my brother Aaron (2nd from left) waiting for the limo to take them to the church. The two on the far right have been my brother's friends since kindergarten (and I was 2)! It was great that they were able to be a part of his wedding!
I know this next picture is dark and kind of blurry, but I just had to take it. Usually, everyone looks at the beautiful bride as the doors of the church are opened, but I had to look at my brother. I turned off the flash so I could discreetly capture this moment. The look of pure love on his face at this moment brought tears to my eyes. I had to pull myself together so I could do my scripture reading! I'm so incredibly glad for my brother. He loves Kristen so very much, and you can tell in the way he looks at her. I couldn't be more happy for them!
These are some of the pictures from outside of the church. What a beautiful couple, don't you think? Kristen was a picture perfect bride--and was so calm the entire weekend!
I think this one looks like it should be in a wedding magazine. The whole time here, and really throughout the whole ceremony, they only had eyes for each other.(Some of these pictures should definitely be a part of Weddzilla, my brother's new company's, website. Check it out and pass the website on to anyone who is getting married soon! It will sure make any bride's life easier, and not turn them into a 'bridezilla'!!)
This was all of the parents after the wedding, right before going in to the Reagan Building for the reception. I think Joe's eyes and my mom's eyes are both closed, but they all looked so nice (and relieved that it was over!) that I had to include the picture.
These were the coolest pictures--as the wedding party got out of their limo to come across to the reception, the photographer actually stopped the traffic (notice the green light and no cars moving) to get AMAZING pictures. You can't tell from the angle of my picture, but straight down the street behind them is the Capitol. How cool to have the White House AND the Capitol in your wedding pictures!!! I think this one (well, the official picture) is one that should be in a wedding magazine!

This was the view down the street from Justin's phone--see what a cool backdrop it is?The cake was beautiful also, and it was monogrammed with their initials.
Here is a picture of me with my mom and her two sisters. Sharon, Sallie, Joyce, and me! I think my mom and her sisters look alike!

A fun picture of Justin and I with my mom.
These are my two cousins on my dad's side, John and Christopher. Christopher was at Aaron and Kristen's engagement party this summer, but I haven't seen John in years! This side of the family is where the red hair comes from!This was the inside of the rotunda where the reception was held. There was a lobby area for drinks and hors d'oeuvres, and then inside this rotunda for the dinner and dancing. Again, my camera doesn't seem to do it justice, but trust me, it was gorgeous!
These flower arrangements were on every table!

This was the view of the building from the outside patios. There were twinkle lights all over the trees outside--beautiful!Aaron and Kristen were announced and came in for their first dance--then it all began! Look at this picture of the parents, a bridesmaid, and the happy couple letting loose!

Cutting the cake...
They were both so nice to each other!

And then the dancing really began! What a fun evening!
The happy couple!
My mom and her sisters--it must be a great thing to have a sister! But now I'm blessed with two wonderful ones, Kristen and Joy!
More dancing...My dad LOVES to do the twist!
The next day, Aaron and Kristen had a brunch at their home. Our deal in getting free lodging for the weekend at their house was to help out on Sunday morning. So we got to work early getting the house and good ready, but it was a great success! I don't know why I didn't take any pictures--oh well--we got a few afterwards! Dad and me in front of their house.
Justin and me--notice Justin shaved off his goatee for the wedding! It has been almost 4 years since I've seen him without it!
After a quick nap on Sunday afternoon, we met up with some friends that live in the DC area. Brian and Dara are great friends from college. Brian is in the Air Force and has been stationed at the Pentagon for the last two years. Their kids are the most precious kiddos--I love being with them. Dara and Brianna came to visit me this summer, but I hadn't seen Riley since he was 1!
We were walking around after dinner, and the kids saw this sidewalk performer out by the harbor. They knew just what to do--play the maraccas along with him! It was adorable!
I love this picture--Brianna and my dad looking at each other, deep in conversation! I pray that someday my dad will be able to do this with his own granddaughter!
Had to have a picture by the horse!
First lost tooth--what a beautiful little face!
What a cutie! They both loved taking pictures with my camera--the one of Riley below was taken by Brianna.
Dara, Brianna, me, and my mom.
It was strange being in Washington, DC, and not getting to do any sightseeing. But by going to dinner with Dara and Brian on Sunday, we got to see Old Town Alexandria! What a beautiful place! Look at these old buildings--so many have history going back to the beginning of our country. I told my mom it was like going to a fun little downtown square, but times 100!

Picture of us in front of the fountain.

With mom and dad, too.

Later that night, we met for dessert with Lidiya and Landon. Justin and Landon have been friends since their sophomore year of high school. Landon works for Senator Brownback of Kansas, and they are getting ready to have a baby girl at the beginning of November.

So all in all, it was a great weekend! I was so thankful to get to be at Aaron and Kristen's wedding--it was beautiful and perfect! They are now in St. Lucia enjoying a relaxing honeymoon! Sorry this blog was so long, but I wanted to you see all the pictures!

Kristen, the new Mrs. Hall, I love you, and am proud to have you (officially) in the family!


Joy said...

It's so funny....I had forgotten what you said about your camera, so when I got to the hazy pictures, I started blinking my eyes to try to clear them of their fuzziness. LOL

It looks like a picture-perfect wedding!!!! Congrats to them, and I'm glad you had fun too! :-)

Candie said...

It looks like the wedding was just a ball. What wonderful weekend with your family. You look really great, but of course I'm partial to your coloring!!! The pictures of the bridal party on the street and they guys walking down the street were just so cool!

ps, Justin did a great job shopping. I LOVE your dress. It's perfect!

Candie said...
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Diane said...

Yay! I loved all the pictures of your family...I can't remember the last time I saw your uncles, but they look exactly the same! =) I can't wait to hear all about it...literally. Congrats to Aaron and Kristen!

Jodi said...

Awesome pictures! I don't know your family but I love to see wedding photos! You and Justin looked so dapper!! :)
By the way, I met Elizabeth - her and Andy live in our neighborhood. I say her ribbon for Estella and had to stop to say hi and let he know that even strangers are praying for them. :) (Course, we aren't strangers anymore.) She is lovely!!!

Miss you!
Jodi Sue :)

amy (metz) walker said...

It looks like your camera had some moisture in it...mine did that one time, but the pictures are still great!

You look wonderful and your sister-in-law made for a beautiful bride! I love her dress!

Tell Justin I didn't know they made tuxedo's for Sasquatch! He's so tall!!! ;-)

Ronni said...

It looks like it was a BEAUTIFUL wedding - glad y'all had a good time. I espically liked seeing Justin getting his manicure :)

Lianna Knight said...

All of the pics look awesome! The wedding was beautiful...makes me want to do my wedding all over again :)

Candie said...

Gosh, thanks for the tip on the false positive. I've not heard that before. I always appreciate your comments, more than you know. Have you been able to spend any time on the things you wanted to work on for Jonathan? Keep me posted.

Tena said...

I'm so glad the weekend turned out beautiful for them! It looks like everyone had a fabulous time!
I think my favorite photo is the one of you in the airport with your new friends! hahaha
sending love and hugs your way!