October 23, 2008

Thankful Thursday and CA trip pictures

Another Thursday to share some things that I'm so thankful for...
1) I'm so thankful that God gives doctors wisdom and ability to help their patients. Today, I had an appointment with my fertility specialist. Everything is looking good, and we are ready to get started on treatments again. Dr. Barnett is such an intelligent man and a great doctor, and he is also so caring. Through this whole process, he has been patient, understanding and encouraging! I'm so thankful that God led me to him, and I hope that God will bless Dr. Barnett for all of the work he does in helping couples to become families. I know that someday, hopefully soon, God will bless us with a baby too!
2) I'm so thankful for my Grandma...
My Gram is such an amazing woman. She loves the Lord with all her heart, and has lived a lifetime of serving God. I got to spend some time with her when I was in California last weekend and I enjoyed and treasured every minute of it. She has this incredible gift of making every single person she comes across feel so special, and like they are the only ones in the world that are important. She is deep source of truths from the Word, and each and every time I see her or talk with her, she prays with me. I love her so much, and treasure each an every moment I have with her. I know she isn't going to be around forever, and that makes me sad. But I know that she is looking forward to the day that she will be in Heaven with Jesus, my Grandpa Harvey, and our baby Jonathan! She told me last week that she was so excited because she would probably be the first one to meet him in heaven! Having her say that makes me sad, but it is kind of comforting knowing that someday, she will be there with Jesus, holding and loving my baby. Love you Grammy!
3) I'm thankful for a friend who understands. Yesterday I spent some time with Elisabeth, my friend who lost her baby Estella, and we had a really good time. All we did was watch a movie and walk around at Garden Ridge, but we were able to talk about our feelings about the upcoming holidays and just share our hearts. I wish there was no one else who could understand, but I'm thankful that there is!

These first three pictures aren't of my trip, but I just had to include them. The day before I left, I went to the park to work on my scrapbook. I thought I would take some food and just enjoy the afternoon. So I get there and find a picnic table that looks out at the lake, and begin to unwrap my sandwich. By the time I'm ready to take my first bite, I hear this coming towards me. I look over and there were about 50 geese/ducks headed my way, honking. I quickly realized that I was going to have to head back to my car and eat there, but I just had to snap a few pictures of these psycho birds!

There really were a lot more geese than what I got in this picture, but with a sandwich in one hand, it was kind of hard to get a picture of all of them!!

Okay...now for my trip to California...

I went to my parent's church with them on Sunday, and it was really good. Their pastor is an amazing teacher and I can see why they love going! My mom also sings in the choir, and I just had to snap a picture!

This is Molly, my parents' dog all dressed up for Halloween!

Can't you tell how much she loved this?!

After church, I went to lunch with my parents and my good friend Diane. Diane and I have been friends for 25 years--since I was 2!! It was so great to see her, even if it was only just for a little bit!

Just about sisters!

Here is Diane and I with our moms at Diane's apartment.

After our time together, my parents and I drove up to Concord, California (near San Francisco) to my cousin's house. My aunt, uncle, and Grandma were already there waiting for us. Lynnea, my cousin, made a delicious dinner, and we had so much fun looking at pictures of my brother's wedding from a few weeks ago.

My Gram, even though she can't see very well, plays the piano so well. She was so cute, I just had to snap a picture!

This is my sweet little cousin Hannah. She is four years old and is such a doll! She loves to give you hugs, and many times will just come up and give you kisses on the cheek. Hannah absolutely loves Molly, my parents' dog, and she just had to try on Molly's halloween hat! What a cutie!

Here I am with Hannah, and her older sister Grace. They are so much fun, and I'm so glad that I got some time with them!

It was a tiring trip for Miss Molly!

Grace showed me all of her schoolwork that she had done. She is such a smart little girl, and Lynnea is homeschooling her. They have an amazing classroom set up, and the curriculum is really great. I truly am impressed by it--homeschooling is definitely not what it used to be!!

Here I am with my cousin Lynnea, my mom, and Grace.

Before leaving on Monday, we had lunch with my Grandma, and then went to my aunt's house to say goodbye! Just a few pictures with those I love so much!!!

with Mom...

having fun with dad...

with my Aunt Sharon...

and with my Gram.

It was a great trip, and I'm so thankful that I was able to go!!

Hope you have had a great week so far!


Diane said...

I have been anxiously waiting for this post...I can't wait to get that pic of us to update the one from your bridal shower! =) It has been 25 years, hasn't it?! What a blessing to have a friendship that has lasted through so many chapters of our lives and is stronger than ever! I am thankful for you! I may be your older "sister," but I have learned so much from you! I love you dearly! Thanks for making time for me on your trip!

amy (metz) walker said...

I love all of the pictures. Your sweet Gram is so cute and the one of you and Diane - you both look so pretty!!!

HAHAHA I cracked up that you took a picture in church!

Brian and Dara said...

What a great trip! I will always remember my trips home with you!! Your Gram is so precious and such a sweet lady!

It also made me laugh to see you take a pic in church!!

I love you Als!

Jenny Brannan said...

I'm so glad you got to come! And that I got to see you, at least for a few hours! It was so nice to laugh with you, cry with you, and share with you. You are such a wonderful friend and I feel like a better person for having known you all these years. I love you so much! 3!