August 31, 2008

We went to little Estella's funeral on Saturday. It was the weirdest sense of opposite deja vu driving up to the cemetery yesterday, if there is such a thing. Just a month ago, we were sitting watching all of our friends drive up to support us as we said goodbye to Jonathan, and now we were the ones driving up to help support Andy and Elisabeth, along with their family and friends, say goodbye to Estella. Very strange. But I am very glad we went. We met Andy, Elisabeth, and their families. The funeral was beautiful---they had beautiful pictures of Estella--she was such a perfect little baby. I was so encouraged by the Solomons--their faith is so strong in the midst of what was probably one of the hardest days of their lives.

Andy was amazing and got up and shared their hearts--that their little girl's life had a purpose--to draw people to Him. We feel the same about Jonathan's purpose. God is using our children's lives in such a powerful way. They didn't ever even get to take a breath, but their lives have forever changed our lives, and I'm sure so many others. Thank you so much for your prayers over this last month--not only for us, but also for our new friends, who sadly, are experiencing the same thing we're going through. Justin and I know for sure that we are able to go through this process of grieving our son only because of your prayers and support.

Here are some pictures of Babyland, where Jonathan and Estella are laid to rest right next to each other. It is unreal to me that within a month, two families from the same church have had to bury their babies here. I don't know if I'll ever really understand why this has happened, but I'm still trusting God, knowing that His plan is at work, and His plan is always better than my own!

On a happier note, Justin and I have so enjoyed our Labor Day weekend! On Sunday, we did pretty much nothing--which is what you're supposed to do on Labor Day weekend, right? I did do laundry, so that made me feel a little bit productive! Today, Monday, we went out shopping. For those of you who know me, you know I'm not the biggest shopper. I know this kills my mom, who should be considered a professional shopper/deal-finder! But we were successful today! My brother is getting married on October 4th, and I needed to find a dress for the wedding. Knowing I had to find a dress for something that important (wedding day pictures are pretty important!!), I was quite worried going in. My amazing and wonderful husband came with me. I'm just in awe of what a great husband I have! How many husbands will go with their wives shopping without any complaints?!! I love you Justin! Amazingly enough, the second store we went into had the winner! I found the perfect dress, on sale, and it is one that I can wear for many events! I thought I'd have to spend a bunch on a dress that I would probably only wear for the wedding, but this one is truly the perfect black dress! We also found the right jewelry and shoes for it as well, so I'm done with my major shopping for the wedding! I'm so excited about getting to go to my brother's wedding--can't wait for this month to fly by!

Well, I'm off for the grocery store. It has been way too long since I've been a good wife and gone to the grocery store. My goal this week is to actually cook some meals for my sweet husband. Last week I was so exhausted each day that I didn't cook at all! I'd really forgotten how tiring full time teaching really is. I can really tell that my body isn't quite up to 100% yet also, because in past years, I wasn't that tired every day! Tomorrow I'm going back to my doctor for my one month check up after giving birth, so I'm praying that everything is healed and how it should be.

Have a great week! I'll blog again soon~


JPS said...

Everybody... I FOUND the dress! =)
It was my pleasure going, Alyson!

Robyn Kitchings said...

I'm so glad you were able to offer support to your new friends. I'm sure that they really appreciate having someone to talk to that knows how they feel!
And congrats on finding the perfect dress! I can't wait to see pics!

Tena said...

My mom was telling me about another famiy who was going down the same road as you. And, the story sounded so familiar that I asked their names. She was talking about the Solomons! (My parents used to live in the same neighborhood as Andy's parents...small world.) Sending prayers.
Yeah for Justin - for going along without complaint, for finding the dress (really???), and for loving you as he does. What a great guy!