January 1, 2008


Okay, so this is try number three for me in writing a blog. For some reason, I never keep it updated, then I feel bad that I'm not updating, so I just end up erasing it. So my "professional blogger" friend Amy suggested that I just do a picture blog. I think I might be able to handle that! My dad gave us a new camera last month, and I think that I have taken more pictures in the last month than I have in the last few years!

So here is my attempt at a picture blog of our life here in Texas. I promise not to delete it, even if I don't post regularly. And an apology ahead of time...I'm sorry if a majority of pictures end up being of Betsy!! I just can't get over how cute she is!!



Anonymous said...

Интересная мысль, возьму на заметку.

Anonymous said...

So, you wanna buy some drugs?