January 31, 2012

Inside-Outside Fun

I have been LOVING our crazy January (spring?) weather!  It has made for lots of great times with the boys outside, much earlier in the year than I expected!  We have been having all sorts of fun lately both inside and outside, and I just had to share some cute boys with you!

Yesterday I opened the baby gate (well one of them... there was still one blocking the stairs and dining room) and the boys had free range of the kitchen.  Ugg. They sure had fun-- crawling, walking, touching, opening, closing, pushing, etc-- and Mommy stayed quite busy holding cabinet doors, drawers, and the oven shut!  Needless to say, at naptime, the rest of the baby-proofing was finally completed on those previously mentioned items! =)

Our new stools are fun play toys/walkers!

Too bad... dishwasher was locked!
Then after nap, we were on to playtime on the upstairs deck.  This is such a fun and safe place for the boys to play, but we are definitely going to have to seal the deck wood.  We had it stained when we moved in, and the residue gets all over the boys' clothes!  At least it washes out!

J, W

"Mommy, can't we please let Betsy out?"
(I put her in because she barks like a
maniac at anyone across the street at the park!)

Watching big kids playing on the field

Jack figured out that he could see down through the cracks in the deck...
needless to say, his face and hands needed washing after this!

Such big boys!!

Then they boys helped me put away clothes in their closet.  They both played with an empty box for awhile, then Jack realized he could climb up one of the boxes of books that are still on the floor.  Boy was he happy!

Will still intrigued with the box... well, the
tape on the box I think!
What fun I get to have every day with these big boys! They are going to be 17 months old tomorrow, and I just can't believe it! I was watching a video of them and looking at pictures from a year ago, and I can't believe how much they have changed!!  I hardly can even remember them this tiny!

January 2011

Actually one year ago today... my how time flies!

Have a great week!


Joy said...

Oh, I love them so much! Look how handsome they're getting!!!!!! I wish I could have sat on your porch in that swing and just watched them play.... :-)

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog and wanted to tell you how absolutely perfect your little boys are. Looks like you are having a wonderful time being a mom AND you're really good at it!