January 28, 2012

Daddy Time

I just love watching our boys spend time with their Daddy! They just adore him, and they sure had fun watching their favorite show "Bubble Guppies" this morning all together!  I just couldn't resist snapping some pictures of the cuteness and cuddles!

J, W


They get so excited each and every time he comes home from work, and on the weekends they are so happy to have him home for two whole days! Next weekend I'm going to Colorado, so the boys will have an entire guys weekend--with no mommy! How fun!


The boys are getting so big and having so much fun playing lately!  They are both walking now, and seem to be having such fun with this freedom! Here are some pictures of their shenanigans! =)

They are loving their hard hat lately...


Will loves his tool bench...
Especially when he figures out how to open and close the compartments!

And their newest favorite thing to play in (all.day.long!)
The empty cabinet on the entertainment center!
What fun!

1 comment:

Janet said...

What sweet little boys!