May 8, 2009

Mother's Day...

Oh, how I wish this mother's day was different...that these pictures were different...that I could somehow change what happened.
Oh how I miss you, my sweet boy.
I love you.


Joy said...

We love you, Aly. We are praying that God surrounds you today with His presence...with His incomprehensible peace and love.

Riley Kai said...

Thinking of you and praying for you today!

Brian and Dara said...

I love you sweet friend. I pray the your Father holds you in His lap today and envelops you with HIS love and peace.


Amanda said...

I wish your Mother's Day were different too. Unfortunately, it's such a hard day for so many and very few people recognize that. I hope you have a day filled with God's peace as you mourn and miss your little one...

Cristina said...

Alyson, I just read this post and i hate that you had to go through all of this, but I am so glad that you have found this doctor in Chicago..... we love you!