January 1, 2011

2010-What a year!

I'm kind of sad to see 2010 go.  I can honestly say that this has been the best year of my life!  I have dreamed for so long about the year I would become a mom, and it has turned out better than I ever imagined my wildest dreams!!  I'm so incredibly thankful to God for all that He has blessed us with.  Two babies...I still just pinch myself and say those words to myself and Justin just about every day!  I'm thankful that God carried us through all the years of heartache, of loss, and that He gave us hope through it all that this day would finally be here.

I'm looking forward to 2011... I'm so excited about seeing my little guys grow, learn, and become more of themselves.  Tomorrow they will be 4 months old! I just can't believe the time has flown by this quickly!! Every day with them is just a joy! I know that at the end of this year, I'll say that 2011 is my best year yet!

For all of my friends that are still in the 'dreaming of mommy-hood' place, I am crying out to God that this year--2011--will be the year for your dreams to finally come true!  God has such great things planned for you, and I am standing with you, believing that you will be a mommy!  The waiting is so very heartbreaking, but He is carrying you through it. Don't give up hope!

Happy 2011 everyone!  I hope this year is your best year yet!


Tena said...

Eli saw your header picture with Will and Jack sleeping and said, "Oh! TWO babies! That's sweet!" I'd have to agree! So happy for you guys!
We're praying for continued growth and development for those boys, too - and for pregnancies for those wanting children!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Steiner family! I'm so thankful everything is going well for you! Sending hugs your way!

Amber Ross said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a great year! Your last paragraph gave me goosebumps. Thank you for always encouraging others!