April 1, 2013

Easter Week 2013

We have had such a fun Easter week with the boys!  They got to participate in a few Easter egg hunts, spend time with friends and family, learn that Jesus is alive, and (sadly) that chocolate is a great food to eat all day on Easter (parents of the year here... ;-)!

We took TONS of pictures, so I'm going to try to limit the words on this one...enjoy our precious boys!

A spring arrangement on Jonathan's grave
He's always remembered and loved!
After my MOPS (Mothers Of PreschoolerS) meeting, we had an easter egg hunt for all of our kiddos!  This was the first one where the boys really "got it"... so much fun!

Grabbing their eggs!
Posing with our friend Addie...5 attempts at this picture and this was the best! Cracked me up... Addie totally posing, Jack trying to figure out what she was doing, and Will watching other kids still collecting eggs!
Jack loves Addie's little sis Emmie!!  
Checking out the loot... and figuring out there was chocolate inside!!
It took Jack two bites with foil to realize he wasn't supposed to eat the wrapping!! All weekend long he told us, "I ate the paper!"  Ha! =)

Low key day--
They were having fun playing in their "fort" with all of their eggs! 

We went to an amazing new park on Friday morning my friend Jenn and her boys... our fun neighborhood friends.
Our four boys...3 and under!
Jenn spinning Gideon, W & J
Our church offered 9 (not sure how our pastor did this! ) services this weekend. We went to the first one on Friday night with my dad, and Justin met us there from workq1.  I attempted some pictures before church, but getting a picture where both are looking at the camera and not moving is nearly impossible right now! It would be a miracle for both of those things to happen with smiles--maybe next year!

The boys with their Boppa after church...this was precious!

Our neighborhood held and Easter "Eggstravaganza" on Saturday morning.  It was so much fun!  This was really our first neighborhood event that the boys have been old enough to understand and really enjoy!! We just LOVE our neighborhood and all that it offers to families!
Daddy pulling the boys...holding their basketballs.  (See post below for pics of their First Basketball Lesson!)
Waiting for the easter egg hunt to start! Will really was excited, I promise! =)
Boys in action!
When they finished, Jack had only green eggs in his basket!  I guess I have trained him well that green is his color! Ha!
There was also a train we took a ride on--the boys LOVED it!

We spotted the Easter bunny while we were riding along! 

Our neighbor friend Erin who loves the boys and comes over to play with them!
My scanner wouldn't work right, so this is a picture of a picture. But it had to be included in this post!  They really liked the bunny, even though it looks like Will is scared and Jack is bored!!

Easter Sunday
Since we had already been to church Friday night, we enjoyed a low-key morning at home while I cooked the meal.  My dad came to join us for lunch (my mom is out in California--we missed you Mom!) and we had a great day!

Easter baskets!
This is the first year we did baskets for them...and they loved them! Especially the chocolate!

We started our Resurrection Roll breakfast tradition this year! 
 The boys watched (and munched their M&Ms) while Justin and I told the story of the empty tomb.
We had a few "oozing" issues with Jesus (the marshmallow) but they tasted great! Next year we'll know what to do better!
The boys played with their paddleballs until they both broke them!
Two two-year-olds against a flower arrangement with a balloon...
The flower arrangement didn't stand a chance!!
 Gigi and Boppa got the boys adorable bunny masks, a little hopping bunny/chick, fun easter drawing supplies! The boys were in heaven!

Cracking up at each other!

Our little family before the feast!

I was so excited to spend the day with my four favorite men! 
Had to include these of my furry girl! For about 30 minutes after we finished eating and sat chatting, Betsy sat right below the ham sitting on the counter, growling.  I'm not sure, but I think she thought if she growled enough, it might jump off the counter and into her mouth... at least she's pretty! =)

While we finished eating, the boys had a ball playing in the backyard!
My sweet Daddy! (Doesn't his goatee look great?!)
 And my amazing man did all the dishes for me after the meal! What a perfect finish to a wonderful Easter week!  Thank you, Justin!!

But the greatest blessing of all... 
Jesus died for our sins... and He is Alive!! 
Thank you Jesus for your love!

Happy Easter to all!


Steve hall said...

I'm so glad you had an exciting Easter Week! The service at Hope Fellowship was wonderful and your Pastor John's sermon was excellent and unique.

Emily Wise said...

I love the picture with Addie - so cute!

Kendra said...

Looks like so much fun! Our twins really "got it" this year too! I loved it!!

Jenny Brannan said...

Looks like you guys had tons of fun! Our boys got into egg hunts this year too. It's so fun!

Love you all!

Jenny Brannan said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! My boys loved egg hunts this year too. So much fun!

Love you all!