So sorry that it has been 8 whole days since I posted pictures of the boys! I had my pictures filed under February 2010, and it took me days to figure out why it wasn't letting me see my February 2011 to load them on blogger! Silly me! Now I have it all reorganized and I have a bunch of pictures for you to see!! Plus, there are a few videos at the bottom of both boys rolling over!!
Last night the boys sat in their high chairs and watched me cook dinner. They actually stayed entertained for about 20 minutes. I'm not sure why they look kind of orange in this pictures. They definitely aren't in real life! =) (Will on left) |
The boys are finally big enough to fit into some of the personalized clothing that friends and family got for them! These little shirts with their names were from our friends the Calks. Thanks Cristina!! The boys look so cute in them!
My parents got them these adorable little sleepers with their names on them too. Will thought it was pretty nice, but Jack wasn't really in the mood for a photo shoot! =(
Today I met my friend Lauren at a park not too far from our houses, and we had so much fun walking our boys around the lake! Her son Jack is the same age as my boys' adjusted age, so they are all at about the same developmental place. The weather has been gorgeous here the last few days, but it was pretty windy this morning, so I bundled them up for our walk. They conked out in the first few minutes and had a pretty nice nap!
Lauren also gave me the idea to put them in their bumbos and let them look at the things on their play mat sitting up. They seemed to like it, and sat for about 5-6 minutes. They usually only last about a minute or two in their bumbos, so this was progress! Both boys have just begun reaching for things in the last few days. They aren't super coordinated, but it is sure fun watching them figure out that they can use their hands! (For something other than sucking on!)
Jack looking intently at his yellow doggy... |
Will was looking at the baby in the mirror, but looked over at me for a cute picture! |
The boys' cousin Ryley is a girl scout, so of course, we had to order some Girl Scout cookies!! They arrived today, and as you can see, they boys were so excited about them! Mommy and Daddy are going to enjoy them a whole lot!
Jack |
Will |
Betsy thought she needed to help the boys sit in their bumbos, and pose for a picture! |
I bought the boys these little animals at Target. They are flat and have crinkly material instead of stuffing in the stomach, a rattle in the head, and teethers on the feet. Up until now, they haven't grabbed anything so I thought these would be good to start on for holding practice!
Will and his elephant |
Jack hiding behind his doggy |
The boys got some very nice Valentine's cards, and also a Baby Einstein video from their cousin Ryley! They had fun watching it!
A few pics from tummy time on the boppys the other day...
Will was having a good time! |
Then Will had to take a rest and Jack had his turn to hold his head up! They are getting so strong! |
This picture was actually from the day the boys went to the doctor (my post 8 days ago), and I thought it was so cute of my dad with the boys!
We're breaking the boys of their swaddles during sleeping time cold turkey, and they are doing okay. The whole family is a little exhausted! We've been at it since 3:45am yesterday morning, and they are definitely doing better today! They just have such flailing arms, that it is hard for them to stay asleep during the day for more than about 45 minutes at a stretch. Normally they have at least 2 two-hour naps a day! They did well last night and slept from 9:30pm-3am, then from 3:30-7am! We're determined for them to be able to sleep without the swaddles that they have had since the NICU, so send a few extra prayers up for us while we get them through the next few days!
And now for the grand finale...both boys are now able to roll over from their front to back!! Jack has done it off and on for almost a month, but until today, Will hadn't been able to do it yet. My dad was over today, and Will finally showed his stuff! He rolled over both directions!! And Jack was on fire too! He rolled over 6 times in a row (because mommy wanted to get it all on camera)!!
(Please ignore the Mommy's silly voices =)
Jackson rolling over
William rolling over
Hope you enjoyed all the pics! I promise it won't be 8 days without pictures again!
We're breaking the boys of their swaddles during sleeping time cold turkey, and they are doing okay. We've been at it since 3:45am yesterday morning, and they are definitely doing better today! They just have such flailing arms, that it is hard for them to stay asleep more than about 45 minutes at a stretch. They did well last night and slept from 9:30pm-3am, then from 3:30-7am! We're determined for them to be able to sleep without the swaddles that they have had since the NICU, so send a few extra prayers up for us while we get them through the next few days!